Divvy will work with you and the customer to find homes quickly and take measures to win as soon as possible. However, Divvy will not overpay for homes due to the customer’s urgency. Divvy bids to win, but also bids responsibly.
For every home that Divvy makes an offer on, our pricing team will conduct an initial valuation of the property and set a maximum bid price based on, among other factors, a comparable analysis of home sales in the immediate area.
We also try to avoid making low-ball offers, but will consider the competitive nature of the home and bid accordingly when there are no other offers.
You can read more about our latest bidding approach here.
Customers are only permitted to have one offer out at a time with Divvy.
Additionally, Divvy will not submit back-up offers on a home, but we encourage you to let the listing agent know that we would be interested in the property if the home comes back on the market.