How are late fees charged?

Late fees are charged on the 8th of the month at 8am PST. They are 5% of your base rent amount, not including equity savings.


If my scheduled Autopayment fails and I don’t resolve it by the 8th at 8am, will I still owe a late fee?

Yes. All residents are responsible for ensuring that their AutoPayments process successfully. You can manage scheduled dates and payment methods in your AutoPay settings.


What if one of my SplitPayments fails and I don’t resolve it by 8am PST on the 8th, will I still owe a late fee?

Yes. Your successful amount will also be refunded if you don’t resolve the failed amount.


Can I request that a late fee be waived?

All residents are able to waive ONE late fee per year. Request a waiver by emailing